- Days: Daily morning 08h30 – 13h00 afternoon 13h15-17h45
- Departure:
- Sea Point Hotels 08h15 / 13h00
- Waterfront Hotels 08h30 / 13h15
- Downtown Hotels 08h45 / 13h30
- Duration:4.5 hours
- Entrance included:Castle of Goodhope & SA Museum
- COST to be confirmed
- Comments:Should the Cable Car not be in operation an alternate visit to the spectacular Signal Hill will be included.
Including all the `must-sees` of any Cape Town day tour, this option is a geographical and cultural extravaganza, showing you Cape Town, from its historical beginnings to the dazzling modern shopping malls of the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront.
The tour commences with a tour of Table Mountain (weather permitting; cable car fee not included). In the city itself, we visit the Company Gardens, the S.A. Museum, the Castle of Good Hope and the vibrant and arty flea market, Greenmarket Square. We take a trip through the picturesque Bo-Kaap.
Table Mountain;
By the late 1870's, several of Cape Town's more prominent citizens had suggested the introduction of a railway line to the top of Table Mountain.
Plans to implement a proposed rack railway got under way but the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer war put a halt to these efforts. By 1912, with a strong desire to gain easy access to the top of Table Mountain, the Cape Town City Council commissioned an engineer to investigate the various options for public transport to the top.
The new cableway was officially opened on the 4th of October 1997, the anniversary of the original launch, almost 70 years previously.
The Company Gardens;
The Company Gardens have been described as 'an oasis of calm in the city rush', and with the trees, the squirrels and lunch-hour love birds it's easy to forget that you're in the middle of one of Africa's most important cities.
Spots of interest include a sundial dating from 1787, a Saffren Pear Tree (believed to be South Africa's oldest cultivated tree), a statue of Cecil John Rhodes, a rose garden and pools with brightly coloured fish.
The South African National Gallery, the South African Museum and the Planetarium are situated within the grounds of the Company Gardens.
South African Museum;
This was founded in 1825. In 1897 the Museum moved to its present building in the historic Company Gardens. Since then millions of visitors have wandered its halls and corridors to be stimulated and inspired by its collections and exhibitions.
They have left the Museum with a better understanding of the earth and its biological and cultural diversity, past and present.
Castle of Good Hope;
Built between 1666 and 1679, the Castle is the oldest surviving building in South Africa. The Castle, was, however, not the first fort to be built at the Cape.
A quadrangular fort was built after the arrival of Jan van Riebeeck in 1652, where the Grand Parade and the main Post Office are situated today. In 1936 the Castle was declared a National Monument.
The Castle of Good Hope houses the military personnel of the SA army in the Western Cape, the famous William Fehr Collection of historic artworks, the Castle Military Museum and ceremonial facilities for traditional Cape Regiments.
The Bo-Kaap;
A look at the picturesque "Malay Quarter", dynamic living cultural museum and home to the oldest mosque in the Southern Hemisphere.
We discover the unique culture, lifestyle and personality of the Cape Muslim community and their contribution to South Africa's development. The tour terminates at 13h00 for morning departures and 17:45 for afternoon departures.
Please contact us now so we can help you plan your African safari.